7 Best Relationship Books Everyone Should Read 2023 (Expert Advice)

Know exactly where is your relationship lacking and work on it

No relationship works without problems. Name one relationship where two persons did not have a single quarrel. Whether it’s romantic, parental, or friendly — relationships do have their sets of ups and downs. 

But this is not the problem. The problem starts when there’s no solution coming out of it.

Even after a fight, people still have grudges. And that affects the future of our relationships. 

All of us are learning in the process and we learn from our mistakes. And we act upon others based on how we perceive the world. One may be wrong at times. And maybe right at other times. 

But the important thing is to retain the relationship (if it’s not that toxic and the conflicts can be resolved with words).

I, too, have faced several problems and couldn’t find solutions to the same, and that’s why I did some thorough reading. You won’t believe that it actually helped me a lot. 

I do understand you are here just because you are facing some issues right now. So, I have listed down the 7 best relationship books you must read.

Highlight or jot down the points if needed! 

1. Getting The Love You Want- Revised Edition by Harville Hendrix (2020)

This has to be one of the finest relationship books. Mark Manson also recommends it. 

Millions of couples have benefited from Getting The Love You Want by developing more caring, nurturing, and happy relationships with its help. 

His three decades as a counselor have taught him many things about the nature of love.

In this work, Dr. Harville Hendrix helps you transform your relationship into a wellspring of love and affection that will last a lifetime.

Get The Book Here: Getting The Love You Want

2. Hold Me Tight by Sue Johnson (2011)

Dr. Sue Johnson, a leader of EFT, introduces her highly efficient therapeutic methodology to the public for the first time in Hold Me Tight. 

Lovers will discover how to nourish their relations and assure a life of memories via case studies from her practice, insightful counsel, and practical activities.

Get The Book Here: Hold Me Tight

3. Rules of Estrangement by Joshua Coleman (2021)

This book on relationships is a bit different from the previous two. 

Rules of Estrangement is a book on parenting and the relationship parents share with adult children.

This book explores the reasons why adult children cut ties with their parents. It also goes on to explore what are the potential reasons for the same.

When it comes to helping parents through these tense relationships, Dr. Joshua Coleman is particularly equipped.

He is a respected psychotherapist whose own child cut off contact with him for several years and finally reunited.

A frequent result of these interactions is a constant sensation of embarrassment and humiliation as well as remorse and sadness. 

This book provides parents with the vocabulary and psychological resources to have a productive conversation with their kids. It also provides them with a set of guidance to build a good connection with children moving ahead. 

Get The Book Here: Rules of Estrangement

4. Recovering from Emotionally Immature Parents by Lindsay C Gibson (2019)

The fourth on the list of relationship books is particularly brilliant. 

Lindsay Gibson gives strong skills that help you defend yourself at the first indication of a psychological invasion.

It will tell you that you must ensure your feelings and requirements should be honored.

Liberate from the oppressive grip of your emotionally fragile parents.

Learn how to detect the indications of a psychological grab, defend yourself, communicate your feelings and needs clearly, and gain emotional independence in all of your connections with this follow-up guidebook.

Get The Book Here: Recovering From Emotionally Immature Parents

5. The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman (2008)

Now, we are back to romantic relationship books. The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman is an international best-seller. 

He mentions five kinds of love languages in his book:

1. Quality Time;

2. Words of Affirmation;

3. Gifts;

4. Acts of Service;

5. Physical Touch.

Everyone has different love languages. But the key is to understand each other and consider their way of showing affection. 

Understand each other and their needs. Acknowledge the desires and act accordingly for a loving relationship to be successful. 

Get The Book Here: The Five Love Languages

6. Big Friendship by Aminatou Sow and Ann Friedman (2020)

According to Aminatou and Ann, a “Big Friendship” is a strong, meaningful relationship that spans life phases, geographical places, and mental upheavals.

Their experience speaks for itself. They have shared times of enchanted joy and terrible dissatisfaction, of genuine bond and heartbreaking estrangement.

Since then, they have learned that their difficulties are not uncommon. Investing in each other is the most crucial component of a “Big Friendship”. And this is reflected in the book.

This relationship book is an uplifting and amusing tribute to the strength of society’s most undervalued connection.

This is a plea to appreciate your connections in all of their complexities.

Get The Book Here: Big Friendship

7. We Should Get Together by Kat Vellos (2020)

It’s no secret that adult friendships face several challenges.

Frequent migration, hectic schedules, responsibilities of marriage and parenthood, and our culture’s diminishing ability for empathy or connection in the age of social media. 

We Should Get Together is a contemporary manual for forming and sustaining deeper alliances. 

She integrates professional data and personal anecdotes drawn from talks with hundreds of individuals.

This book is for those who desire to form lifelong meaningful friendships.

Get The Book Here: We Should Get Together


I understand that maintaining any kind of relationship is not easy. It needs adjustments, compromises, and understanding. 

It definitely can never be one-sided, both parties have to work on the relationship.

Any repair of the damage takes time. So, have patience. With time you will understand whether to keep it or let it go. 


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