About Us

Hello there…!

I Arvind Kumar welcome you to my blog “iWealthyfox.com

I have started this blog with the purpose to help others, to succeed in their life. To live a life they want to live. By providing them with inspiring and motivational content.

From an early age of my life. I was very much passionate about listening to inspiring stories, success stories & biographies of sportsmen, entrepreneurs, and everyone who motivates me to do something in life.

Now, I can relate this with my current thoughts and beliefs. I have developed a growth mindset. Where I always want to do something different in life. To help others to achieve their goals.

When it comes to this blog …

…from my school days, I wanted to create a website about growth, success, mindset, self-development, and motivation.

Now I have got the purpose 

“If you want something in life, help others to achieve what they want in their life”. 

I have decided to help others to achieve their dreams and have a life they always want to have.

I have created a platform, a gateway to all aspiring entrepreneurs. Who wants to achieve their dreams in life. Who wants to live their life in their condition. Who wants to have an abundance of success.

Before this blog, I have tried and failed with many blogs, businesses, and ideas…

…but never gave up

Today in this blog I provide contents related to 

  • Self-development 
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Success stories
  • Motivational resources 
  • Inspiring resources
  • Real-life case studies
  • Net Worth of the worlds successful people
  • Books recommendation
  • Habits 
  • Everything related to entrepreneurs and success

This blog is dedicated to all the people who have a dream to become an entrepreneur and bring the changes they want to see in themself and in society.

I am committed to providing every possible thing to motivate you to take action in your life. To take that first step that will lead to the path of success.

I want to create that burning desire in you, where you don’t have any option other than achieving your goals. 

Let’s start now…

You can connect to me at [email protected]

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