77 Famous Bitcoin Quotes On Success To Inspire You

The Famous Bitcoin Quotes To Give You a Daily Dose of Motivation

A cryptocurrency, Bitcoin is the first digital currency. It is a type of electronic cash. Bitcoin was created in January 2009 by a pseudonym named Satoshi Nakamoto.

A physical bitcoin does not exist and an enormous amount of computing power and a mathematical formula are used to verify the crypto in a public ledger. 

No government or bank, issues or backs this currency. It is based on the underlying cryptography technology called “Blockchain”. 

Bitcoin is growing due to its economic benefits and features that make it unique from all other cryptocurrencies. 

Compared with government-issued fiat currencies which are vulnerable to hyperinflation, cryptocurrency tends to offer lower transaction fees.

Bitcoin is extremely controversial despite its convenience and value. There is a love-hate relationship between it and people. There are multiple cryptocurrencies in the market such as Ethereum, Cardono, Doge, and many more…!

The Best 70 Bitcoin Quotes On Success To Motivate You

Crypto quotes are issued frequently by industry experts and popular individuals. They contributed to price spikes in some cases. In other cases, they sparked conversation. Here is the list of Bitcoin Quotes to give you an idea of success. 

You can pick these cryptocurrency quotes to use in your daily life motivation. These digital currency quotes are collected from various sources such as cryptocurrency blogs, interviews, books, etc.

1. “Bitcoin is the most important invention in the history of the world since the Internet.”

2. “The ability to create something which is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value… Lot of people will build businesses on top of that.”

3. “If you don’t believe it or don’t get it, I don’t have the time to try to convince you, sorry.”

4. “At its core, bitcoin is a smart currency, designed by very forward-thinking engineers.”

5. “PayPal had the goal of creating a new currency. We failed at that… I think Bitcoin has succeeded on the level of a new currency, but the payment system is lacking.”

6. “I love this stuff – Bitcoin, Ethereum, Blockchain technology – and what the future holds.”

7. “Like the Internet, Bitcoin will change the way people interact and do business around the world.”

8. “Bitcoin is the most stellar and most useful system of mutual trust ever devised.’’

9. “Bitcoin is a remarkable cryptographic achievement and the ability to create something that is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value.”

10. “Bitcoin is the currency of resistance… If Satoshi had released Bitcoin in 10 years. earlier, 9/11 would never have happened.”

11. “Just as it got easier to use email, it will be easier to use Bitcoin as people invest in it and become more familiar with it.”

12. “When I first heard about Bitcoin, I thought it was impossible. How can you have a purely digital currency? Can’t I just copy your hard drive and have your Bitcoin? I didn’t understand how that could be done, and then I looked into it and it was brilliant.”

13. “Bitcoin is cash with wings.”

14. “If the cryptocurrency market overall or a digital asset is solving a problem, it’s going to drive some value.”

15. “Whenever the price of cryptocurrency is rallying, people start spending a lot more.”

16. “Bitcoin is the Wild West of finance, and thank goodness. It represents a whole legion of adventurers and entrepreneurs, risk-takers, inventors, and problem solvers. It is the frontier. Huge amounts of wealth will be created and destroyed as this new landscape is mapped out.”

17. “Bitcoin has the balance and incentives right, and that is why it is starting to take off.”

18. “Our basic thesis for bitcoin is that it is better than gold.”

“Bitcoin is here to stay. There would be a hacker uproar to anyone who attempted to take credit for the patent of cryptocurrency. And I wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of hacker fury.”

19. “Bitcoins are like gold bars with wings. That is why I, and so many others, view bitcoin and its network as gold.”

20. “I think the whole narrative of blockchain without bitcoin will amount to very little.”

21st Bitcoin Quotes Among the 76 list

21. “Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments.”

22. “It’s probably easier and cheaper to counterfeit hundred-dollar bills than it is to counterfeit Bitcoin”

23. “I am very intrigued by Bitcoin. It has all the signs. Paradigm shift, hackers love it, yet it is described as a toy. Just like microcomputers.”

24. “Bitcoin is going to change the world from a money transactional standpoint, not just for Africa, but for everywhere.”

25. “You might think of Bitcoin and blockchain as two halves of a whole, but in reality, they are very distinct commodities.”

26. “As the value goes up, heads start to swivel and skeptics begin to soften. Starting a new currency is easy, anyone can do it. The trick is getting people to accept it because it is their use that gives the “money” value.”

27. “Bitcoin is a technological tour de force.”

28. “If we remember, fifteen years ago if you were doing anything on the internet you were going to make millions. I think it could be the same with Bitcoin.” 

29. “Bitcoin will do to banks what email did to the postal industry.”

30. “You can’t stop things like Bitcoin. It will be everywhere and the world will have to readjust. World governments will have to readjust.”

31. “Bitcoin was created to serve a highly political intent, a free and uncensored network where all can participate with equal access.”

32. “Bitcoin, and the ideas behind it, will be a disrupter to the traditional notions of currency. In the end, the currency will be better for it.”

33. “Cryptocurrency is such a powerful concept that it can almost overturn governments.”

34. “Bitcoin never sleeps. We need to move quickly and grow quickly and do everything sooner rather than later.”

35. “Bitcoin is a remarkable cryptographic achievement… The ability to create something which is not duplicable in the digital world has enormous value… Lot of people will build businesses on top of that.”

36. “I do think Bitcoin is the first [encrypted money] that has the potential to do something like changing the world.”

37. “Virgin Galactic is a bold entrepreneurial technology. It’s driving a revolution and Bitcoin is doing just the same when it comes to inventing a new currency.”

38. “The Federal Reserve simply does not have the authority to supervise or regulate Bitcoin in any way.”

39. “I think the fact that within the bitcoin universe an algorithm replaces the functions of [the government] is pretty cool. I am a big fan of Bitcoin.”

40. “Cryptology represents the future of privacy [and] by implication [it] also represents the future of money, and the future of banking and finance.”

41. “Bitcoin never sleeps. We need to move quickly and grow quickly and do everything sooner rather than later.”

42. “The reason we are all here is that the current financial system is outdated.”

43. “Gold is a great way to preserve wealth, but it is hard to move around. You do need some kind of alternative and Bitcoin fits the bill.”

44. “I have invested in Bitcoin because I believe in its potential, the capacity it has to transform global payments is very exciting.”

45. “Every informed person needs to know about Bitcoin because it might be one of the world’s most important developments.”

46. “The ability to easily buy and sell Bitcoin has been a key factor in accelerating Bitcoin adoption.” Fred Ehrsam

47. “People wanted Bitcoin to live so much, they willed it back into existence. That showed me how passionate this community was about it.” Adam Draper

48. “People have been scared off Bitcoin by the fact that you needed to put your money in an unregulated overseas platform that has been cut off by banks and scrutinized by the Fed. We are looking to remove the pain points and create a way to invest that is faster and more secure.” 

49. “You want some natural way for people to get Bitcoins, as part of their paycheck or some other activity so they can turn around and spend them. It’s much better if the Bitcoin economy is a self-contained thing.”

“You can’t stop things like Bitcoin. It will be everywhere and the world will have to readjust. World governments will have to readjust.”

50. “If Satoshi had released Bitcoin 10 yrs ago, earlier, 9/11 would never have happened.”

51. “One must acknowledge with cryptography no amount of violence will ever solve a math problem.”

52. “Bitcoin is Money Over Internet Protocol.”

53. “At its core, bitcoin is a smart currency, designed by very forward-thinking engineers. It eliminates the need for banks, gets rid of credit card fees, currency exchange fees, money transfer fees, and reduces the need for lawyers in transitions… all good things.”

54. “When I first heard about Bitcoin, I thought it was impossible. How can you have a purely digital currency? Can’t I just copy your hard drive and have your bitcoins? I didn’t understand how that could be done, and then I looked into it and it was brilliant.”

55. “The governments of the world have spent hundreds and hundreds of trillions of dollars bailing out a decaying, Dickensian, outmoded system called banking when the solution to the future of finance is peer-to-peer. It’s going to be alternative currencies like Bitcoin and it’s not going to be a banking system as we had before 2008.”

56. “The bitcoin world is this new ecosystem where it doesn’t cost that much to start a new Bitcoin company, it doesn’t cost much to start owning Bitcoin either, and it is a much more efficient way of moving money around the world.”

57. “Bitcoin enables certain uses that are very unique. I think it offers possibilities that no other currency allows. For example the ability to spend a coin that only occurs when two separate parties agree to spend the coin; with a third party that couldn’t run away with the coin itself.”

58. “It was the amateurs of cryptology who created the species. The professionals, who almost certainly surpassed them in cryptanalytic expertise, concentrated on down-to-earth problems of the systems that were then in use but are now outdated. The amateurs, unfettered to those realities, soared into the empyrean of theory.”

59. “Bitcoin is the currency of resistance.”

60. “What can’t kill Bitcoin, makes it stronger.”

61. “You should be taking this technology as seriously as you should have been taking the development of the Internet in the early 1990s.”

62. “I think the internet is going to be one of the major forces for reducing the role of government. The one thing that’s missing but that will soon be developed is a reliable e-cash.”

63. “What affected me most profoundly was the realization that the sciences of cryptography and mathematics are very elegant, pure sciences. I found that the ends for which these pure sciences are used are less elegant.”

64. “Cryptography is the essential building block of independence for organizations on the Internet, just like armies are the essential building blocks of states because otherwise one state just takes over another.”

65. “Bitcoin was created to serve a highly political intent, a free and uncensored network where all can participate with equal access.”

66. “Lots of people working in cryptography have no deep concern with real application issues. They are trying to discover things clever enough to write papers about.”

67. Trusted third parties are security holes.”

68. “This [Bitcoin] may be the purest form of democracy the world has ever known, and I — for one — am thrilled to be here to watch it unfold.”

69. “Cryptography shifts the balance of power from those with a monopoly on violence to those who comprehend mathematics and security design.”

70. “[Cryptourrencies] may hold long-term promise, particularly if the innovations promote a faster, more secure and more efficient payment system.”

71. “Online identity and reputation will be decentralized. We will own the data that belongs to us.”

72. “It just identifies how much money laundering there is being done in the world,” Fink said. 

73. “How much people are trying to move currencies from one place to another.”

74. “Gold is a great way to preserve wealth, but it is hard to move around. You do need some kind of alternative and Bitcoin fits the bill. I’m not surprised to see that happening.”

75. “What we want is fully anonymous, ultra-low transaction cost, transferable units of exchange. If we get that going… the banks will become the obsolete dinosaurs they deserve to become.”

76. “The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value.”

77. “Bitcoin will hit thousands of dollars per coin, because it’s worth at least that much, or it’s worth zero.”


Bitcoin is the cryptocurrency, or you can say a digital currency. Which is not controlled by any centralized body. It is a peer to peer ledger decentralized technology. The technology behind Bitcoin is “Blockchain


PS: I have hand-picked and gathered the most famous Bitcoin Quotes. To help you grow in your success journey.

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